Learn 1st Century Skills

as you will need them in the

Place of Safety




Place of Safety= Learn 1st Century skills (because no electricity).

For144,000 people= The Place of Safety is as large as a city at least 7 miles wide.

NO electric tools, no electric kitchen stove/range, no refrigerator, no electric heat, no electric lights etc..

Huts ARE WARMER than tents, or you could tent-camp like the Israelites camped for 40 years.


There will be Spirit begotten believers in Christ now, His Bride of 144,000 Elect members, protected saved alive in the Place of Safety.


How the Place of Safety could look, with 12,000 of each tribe= 3 tribes on each side of the Tabernacle:


. After the ancient Israelites left Egypt and came out of slavery, God commanded Moses to have them set up their Wilderness Camp in a specific way. The Encampment Layout of the Tribes of Israel was set up according to groups of tribes placed together on each of the camp's four sides - ConformingToJesus.com





But ”you” have to learn 1st Century Skills, as there will be no electricity:




