. . . Right after Passover by having the Passover on the 15th!

REPENT—WAKE UP! Realize you are “DIS”obeying Torah Numbers 9:3

We ARE” the only Church Restoring All

Things, back to the way they were in Paul’s

time of the 1st Century, making TO COG the

1 and only Remnant Group that is “IDENTICAL” to the 1st

Century Church.

When and where in the Bible did God move the

Passover from the end of the 14th to the beginning of the



To the Night of the 15th Dankman? To have the

Passover on the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread? YOU are

“DIS”obeying God via God’s words of Numbers 9:3.

And to other “DIS”obedient offshoots, we ask you:When

and where in the Bible did God say to have the Passover

“BEFORE” the lambs are killed? Just Answer that question,

you lying Sinisters, who refuse to Repent.

The Correct answer is:

1.) Nowhere in the Bible did God change the

Passover backwards to the end of the 13th at the

beginning of the 14th just after the 13th ends! NOWHERE!

The Passover has always been, and still is,

“after” the afternoon of the 14th, at twilight just

before the 15th starts. BECAUSE

2.) You CANNOT have the Passover “before” the

lambs are killed. REPENT, you Sinisters, or burn in Hellfire

for your stubborn willful DISobedience. AND . . .

3.) You can’t have Passover “Before” Christ is crucified.


You ministers are evil. Lying devils. And . . .

4.) It is the will of your father the devil that you do,


refuse to repent. That makes you EVIL, sons of the Devil,

as proven by the FACTS and PROVEN BY your ACTIONS.

5.) Your moving the Passover IS a SIN.” AND . . .

6.) YOU ARE CAUSING all the members of the offshoot

Churches of God TO SIN. 7.)

By telling them to “follow you” in your SIN.

Passover/the Bread and Wine are taken at twilight just

(15 minutes before Nisan 15) and swallowed 5 minutes

“before” the 15th starts. Read it in Numbers 9:3 = twilight

= and after the lambs are killed. . . . Make straight the way

of the Lord. John 1:23 = “not” crooked.

Father is trying to raise “OBEDIENT” children. Your sinister

is raising “DIS”obedient children, as “proven” by

the following Facts on this page.

When members SEE that “what” their ministers are having

them do: = such as Passover on the 15th or having

Passover at the beginning of the 14th “Before” the

Lambs are killed instead of “after” the lambs have been

killed (which means: do Passover on the 14th at just “15”

minutes before the 15th Numbers 9:3) or ministers telling

you “not” to have Yah’s Last Dinner on the 12th, when

Yah said “DO “THIS”“THIS”“THIS” LAST Dinner in Remembrance

of Me.” 1 Corinthians 11:24. = DO THIS LAST DINNER


(The Last Dinner is “NOT” the Passover, so do not think

that you are having 2 Passovers, because you have

the Last Dinner at least 12 times a year every New

Month Day like David and the King did. 1 Samuel 20:5.

David answered:“Tomorrow is the new moon, when

I should in fact dine with the king.)

Realize that because of the above FACTS that your minister

causes you to be EVIL.

When you realize that the ministers are “NOT” following

God’s Bible, then the ministers will lose their Hitler type control

over you!

Radical Gestalt for you to understand: YOU HAVE

“NOT” GROWN IN 43 YEARS, since 1972!

Therefore REPENT and grow, “ALL” YOU MINISTER

offshoots, and members of the offshoot Worldwide

Churches of God! All of YOU “REPENT”!

For you not to be like the Devils (who do NOT do “all”),

you must do “ALL.” Unless your righteousness EXCEEDS

that of your Minister, you will NOT enter the

Kingdom. For I tell you, unless your righteousness

exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will

never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:20.

Wake up. It is said that “seeing is believing,” BUT THE


Once you start turning your wheel of understanding to

obey “every” jot of Yah’s Bible, “then” God’s Power Steering

cuts in. Therefore: “Believing is Seeing,” YOU must be more

diligent than you Sinister minister, and believe “every” jot of

your Bible and NOT just what your Sinister says. Jesus said

that if you are not better than your Sinister, you will NOT

enter the Kingdom! Father is trying to raise “OBEDIENT”

children. Your sinister is raising “DIS”obedient children, as

“proven” by the following Facts on this page.

When “YOU” move to obey, “then” God will move you to

understand. God works like power steering: When you turn

the wheel (change your way), “then” God’s Power cuts in.

When members SEE that “what” their ministers are having

you do (= such as Passover on the 15th instead of the

14th, 15 minutes before the 15th), or ministers telling you

“not” to have Yah’s Last Dinner on the 12th, when Yah said

“DO this LAST Dinner in Remembrance of Me,” then that

minister causes you to be EVIL.

When you realize that the ministers are NOT following

God’s Bible, then the ministers will lose their Hitler type control

over you!

Truth is not just something that you believe. Truth is

something that “IS,” and CANNOT be argued about. Read

your Bible and see and FOLLOW what is written and

NOT what your Sinister says! Your ministers keep you in

ignorance of God’s Knowledge by design, because he takes

away your ability to think and follow Yah’s Bible.

You MUST obey “ALL” of God’s Bible, to be one of His. “IF”

you do [all] of what I say, then you are my disciples. Ergo:

“IF” you do not do [all] of what I say, then you are

NOT my disciple [you are Satan’s Disciple]. John 8:31.

Now the pennies start to drop and you realize that you

MUST do “ALL,” because the Devils know and as you do

not murder people so the Devils do not murder people, but

the Devils do “NOT” do “ALL.” Therefore, for you not to

be like the Devils (who do NOT do all), you must do “ALL.”

You cannot choose to omit parts of God’s Bible

such as omitting:

1.) Omitting Ezekiel 46:3 You Shall attend a worship

Service on New Month Day every month. Isaiah 66:23 The

Whole world will have to attend a worship Service on New

Month Day every month.

2.) Omitting Zechariah 8:19 4 Fasts plus Atonement.

3.) Omitting Deut 16:16 3 Pilgrimage Feasts a year, NOT

just 1.

Omitting Jeremiah 10:2 Learn Not the way of the

Germans, Russians, Americans.

Do not add to God’s Bible Deut 12:32.

Don’t preach other ways/gospel Galatians 1:6, 9. Turkey

gOD Day—The goose that is revered for giving its life for its

young, the Cosmic Goose that laid the egg that Ra/Osiris

sprang forth from.

Mother Goddess Day—the Springtime Feast of Ghia the

great whore mother who fornicated and gave birth to all the

Gods and Goddesses.

Sky Fathers Day—the longest day of the year.

Jeremiah 2:23 How can I say I am not polluted? Jeremiah

2:25 . . . For I have loved the aliens and after them I will go.

Your Sinisters do not preach this to you! So we, TO COG,

have to because: Luke 12:48 He who did not know will

receive a BEATING.

Realize the greatest form of control is: For you to be sitting

in a prison cell of ministers’ deception, and not

knowing you are in a cell of ministers’ deceptions.


because your Ministers will destroy your ETERNAL

life FOREVER, while Terrorists in the street will only

destroy your mortal Life.

A Matter of LIFE or Death for you! Why ARE you

obeying men/your sinister instead of obeying God?

Your Sinisters REFUSE to follow Yah’s Bible, proven by the

FACTS of what sinisters do and refuse to Follow.



Fellow Members of God’s Family, God’s little flock.

After last month’s printed admonition to all the Ministers

to STOP MOVING God’s Sabbath to Friday, Sinisters “ARE”

stillmoving God’s Saturday 7th day Sabbath to

Friday in 1/2 the World. = FACT Therefore your Sinisters


the “FACTS” of what they “DO.” Unless YOU “choose” to

ignore FACTS. Be HONEST. Please ask your Sinisters:

“WHY” (little they) do “NOT” obey the Bible words

of MIGHTY Yah/GOD. ASK Them!

This is a plain FACTUAL statement, because:

FACTS” “PROVE” your sinisters do “NOT” obey God.

That is a FACT, FACT, FACT. Period. Believe “FACTS.” Why

ARE “you” obeying men/your sinister “Instead” of

obeying God?

Ask Yourself! You can “read” your Bible, Deut 16:16. 3

Pilgrimage Feasts a year just like Yeshua’s Family did for

Passover Luke 2:45. So why do you go along with 1? You

can READ and FOLLOW your Bible, but your Sinisters REFUSE

to read and Follow God’s Bible!

You MEMBERS are in trouble with God, for none

ever hardened his heart against God or God’s true

church, and prospered long.

The contempt and scorn with which you Ministers treat

TO COG, and the little value you Sinisters set upon TO

COG, are noticed, by God.

A door was opened for the preaching of the Gospel, BUT

we the TRUE TO COG have many adversaries, and these

powerful adversaries would use rage and persecution and

personal attack, BUT not FACTS.

Radical Gestalt for you to understand:

For you members “NOTto be like the Devils (who do

NOT do “All”), you must do “ALL.” Unless your righteousness

EXCEEDS that of your Sinister, you will NOT

enter the Kingdom. For I tell you, unless your righteousness

exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees,

you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew

5:20. Wake up, fellow Brethren. It is said that “seeing is


Once you start turning your wheel of understanding To

Obey “every” jot of Yah’s Bible, “then” God’s Power Steering

cuts in. Therefore: “Believing is Seeing,” YOU must be more

diligent than your Sinister/minister, and “YOU” MUST

believe “every” jot of your Bible and NOT just what your Sinister

says. Jesus said FOR if you are not better than your

Sinister, you will NOT enter the Kingdom! Father is trying to

raise “OBEDIENT” children. Your sinister is raising “DIS”obedient

children, as “proven” by the following Facts on this page.

When members SEE that “what” their ministers are having

them do: = such as Passover on the 15th or having

Passover at the beginning of the 14th before the Lambs

are killed instead of “after” the lambs have been killed

(which means on the 14th at just “15” minutes before the

15th Numbers 9:3) or ministers telling you “not” to

have Yah’s Last Dinner on the 12th, when Yah said “DO

“THIS” “THIS” “THIS” LAST Dinner in Remembrance of Me.”

1 Corinthians 11:24. = DO THIS LAST DINNER 2 DAYS BEFORE


(The Last Dinner is “NOT” the Passover, so do not think

that you are having 2 Passovers, because you have

the Last Dinner at least 12 times a year every New

Month Day like David and the King did. 1 Samuel 20:5.

David answered:“Tomorrow is the new moon, when

I should in fact dine with the king.)

Realize that because of the above FACTS that your minister

causes you to be EVIL.

When you realize that the ministers are “NOT” following

God’s Bible, then the ministers will lose their Hitler type control

over you!


Truth is not just something that you believe. Truth is

something that “IS,” and CANNOT be argued about.


Read your Bible and see and FOLLOW what is written

and NOT what your Sinister says! Your ministers keeps

you in ignorance of God’s Knowledge by design, because he

takes away your ability to think and follow Yah’s Bible.

You MUST obey “ALL” of God’s Bible, to be one of His.

“IF” you do [all] of what I say, then you are my disciples.


“IF” you do not do [all] of what I say, then you are

NOT my disciple [you are Satan’s Disciple]. John 8:31.

Now the pennies start to drop and you realize that you

MUST do “ALL,” because the Devils know and as you do

not murder people so the Devils do not murder people, but

the Devils do “NOT” do “ALL.” Therefore, for you not to

be like the Devils (who do NOT do all), you must do “ALL.”

You cannot choose to omit parts of God’s Bible

such as omitting:

1.) Omitting Ezekiel 46:3 You Shall attend a worship

Service on New Month Day every month. Isaiah 66:23. The

Whole world will have to attend a worship Service on New

Month Day every month.

2.) Omitting Zechariah 8:19, 4 Fasts plus Atonement.

3.) Omitting Deut 16:16 3 Pilgrimage Feasts a year, NOT

just 1.

4.) Omitting Jeremiah 10:2 Learn Not the way of the

Germans, Russians, Americans.

5.) Do not add to God’s Bible Deut 12:32.

i.) Turkey gOD Day—The goose that is revered for giving

its life for its young, the Cosmic Goose that laid the egg that

Ra/Osiris sprang forth from. http://www.forthenations.


The fall Harvest Home Festival of Ceres is SATANIC. You

cannot participate in it.

ii.) Mother Goddess Day—the Springtime Feast of Ghia

the great whore mother who fornicated and gave birth to all

the Gods and Goddesses.

iii.) Sky Fathers Day—the longest day of the year.

So we, TO COG, have to do this Ad for you because: Luke

12:48 He who did not know will receive a BEATING.

Jeremiah 2:23 How can I say I am not polluted.

Jeremiah 2:25 . . . For I have loved the aliens and after them

I will go. Don’t preach other ways/gospel Galatians 1:6, 9.

Your ministers/Sinisters do not preach the above truth to you!


Realize the greatest form of control is: For you to be sitting

in a prison cell of ministers’ deception, and not

knowing you are in a cell of ministers’ deceptions.



because your Ministers will destroy your ETERNAL

life FOREVER while Terrorists in the street will only destroy

your physical Life.

Solution: Instead move yourself to Obey Yah, and

“NOT” your Minister. When “YOU” move to obey, “then”

God will move you to understand. The Spirit is given to

those who obey. Acts 5:32 “NOT” to those who

DISobey. God works like power steering: When you turn

the wheel (change your way), “then” God’s Power cuts in.

Make straight the way of the Lord. John 1:23. Not crooked

like your ministers do. Repent for the time of the end is at

hand. Again I say: Make straight the way of the Lord. Come

out of Egyptian Turkey gOD day, Sky fATHERS DAY, MOTHER


BURN IN HELL, by following “DIS”Obedient Ministers

Rev 22:15. where death and darkness reign.Whoever

“PRACTICES” A LIE will “NOT” be in the Kingdom, but

will be thrown into Hellfire. That is how SERIOUS it is

for you to STOP following your lying Ministers, who

do “NOT” follow God’s Bible, as proven by the FACTS!

You never know how much you really believe anything until

its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death

for you. C.S. Lewis. The Solution IS for you to BE like a

Berean: These Jews were more open-minded than those in

Thessalonica . . . May all the hearers of the gospel become

like those of Berea, receiving the word . . . Acts 17:11.

Radical Gestalt for you to understand:

For you not to be like the Devils (who do NOT do “all”),

you must do “ALL.” Unless your righteousness EXCEEDS

that of your Minister, you will NOT enter the

Kingdom. For I tell you, unless your righteousness

exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will

never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:20.

Wake up. It is said that “seeing is believing,” BUT THE


Once you start turning your wheel of understanding to

obey “every” jot of Yah’s Bible, “then” God’s Power Steering

cuts in. Therefore: “Believing is Seeing,” YOU must be more

diligent than you Sinister minister, and believe “every” jot of

your Bible and NOT just what your Sinister says. Jesus said

that if you are not better than your Sinister, you will NOT

enter the Kingdom! Father is trying to raise “OBEDIENT”

children. Your sinister is raising “DIS”obedient children, as

“proven” by the following Facts on this page.

When “YOU” move to obey, “then” God will move you to

understand. God works like power steering: When you turn

the wheel (change your way), “then” God’s Power cuts in.

When members SEE that “what” their ministers are having

you do (= such as Passover on the 15th instead of the

14th, 15 minutes before the 15th), or ministers telling you

“not” to have Yah’s Last Dinner on the 12th, when Yah said

“DO this LAST Dinner in Remembrance of Me,” then that

minister causes you to be EVIL.

When you realize that the ministers are NOT following

God’s Bible, then the ministers will lose their Hitler type control

over you!

Truth is not just something that you believe. Truth is

something that “IS,” and CANNOT be argued about. Read

your Bible and see and FOLLOW what is written and

NOT what your Sinister says! Your ministers keeps you

in ignorance of God’s Knowledge by design, because he

takes away your ability to think and follow Yah’s Bible.

You MUST obey “ALL” of God’s Bible, to be one of His. “IF”

you do [all] of what I say, then you are my disciples. Ergo:

“IF” you do not do [all] of what I say, then you are

NOT my disciple [you are Satan’s Disciple]. John 8:31.

Now the pennies start to drop and you realize that you

MUST do “ALL,” because the Devils know and as you do

not murder people so the Devils do not murder people, but

the Devils do “NOT” do “ALL.” Therefore, for you not to

be like the Devils (who do NOT do all), you must do “ALL.”

You cannot choose to omit parts of God’s Bible

such as omitting:

4.) Omitting Ezekiel 46:3 You Shall attend a worship

Service on New Month Day every month. Isaiah 66:23 The

Whole world will have to attend a worship Service on New

Month Day every month.

5.) Omitting Zechariah 8:19 4 Fasts plus Atonement.

6.) Omitting Deut 16:16, 3 Pilgrimage Feasts a year, NOT

just 1.

Omitting Jeremiah 10:2 Learn Not the way of the

Germans, Russians, Americans.

Do not add to God’s Bible Deut 12:32.

Don’t preach other ways/gospel Galatians 1:6, 9. Turkey

gOD Day—The goose that is revered for giving its life for its

young, the Cosmic Goose that laid the egg that Ra/Osiris

sprang forth from.

Mother Goddess Day—the Springtime Feast of Ghia the

great whore mother who fornicated and gave birth to all the

Gods and Goddesses.

Sky Fathers Day-by longest day of the year.

Jeremiah 2:23 How can I say I am not polluted. Jeremiah

2:25 . . . For I have loved the aliens and after them I will go.

Your Sinisters do not preach this to you! So we, TO COG,

have to because: Luke 12:48 He who did not know will

receive a BEATING.

Realize the greatest form of control is: For you to be sitting

in a prison cell of ministers’ deception, and not

knowing you are in a cell of ministers’ deceptions.


because your Ministers will DESTROYyour

ETERNAL life FOREVER while Terrorists in the street will

only destroy your mortal Life. / The Obedient Church of God / TO COG

“For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a

terrifying expectation of judgment and THE FURY OF A FIRE WHICH WILL CONSUME THE ADVERSARIES” (Hebrews 10:26-27).

The Obedient Church of God / P.O. Box 1278 / Omak,Washington, USA 98841